Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's Over

As of Monday 2/10/2014, I am officially 100% cancer free!  My blood is clean.  My bones are clean.  My organs are clean.  I'm clean.  Psssst!  Was that the sound of a beer can opening?  Pop!!  Was that the sound of a bottle of campaign?

Now it doesn't mean the struggle's over.  Not by a long shot.  I'm still horribly weak.  Walking with a cane to the corner is a monumental feat.  My hands are truly worthless.  I can't even open a bottle of water.  Becky bought me some peanuts in a shell to work on my dexterity.  I can crack maybe three, using both hands before I give out.  Tying shoes or buttoning a shirt is beyond my comprehension.


Becky and I were talking about how I can repay all those people that prayed until their knees bled, that thought of me every day of the last 6 months.  How do I show my gratitude to those that hurt and cared for me?  How do I touch people that have touched me so deeply with their silent love?

The answer --  go to work!  Don't just hobble to the corner - hobble around the block!  Don't just crack 3 peanuts - crack a dozen.  Don't walk to and from the basement just once a day - do it 3 times a day!!  Work harder than I ever worked in my life.  This is the way I'll show you all how much this gift means to me.

You all have given me a second chance!  How many of us wished we had that!?!  I'm going to make the best of it to prove that your love was not misplaced.  My golf swing is not only coming back - but it'll be better than before.  (I plan to take Tim Raque down on the golf course this year!!)  I know this will all take awhile but it will happen.  One thing I do know -- IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Molly, Jimmie, Aunt Emma and Uncle Irving, Mary, Jim Adams, Tommy - these people, beyond Becky, Luke and Emily, are the rocks that I leaned on when I couldn't stand by myself.  (Not the least of which were Adam and Wayne as my spiritual advisers.  These two saw more of my tears than anybody else did!)  But there were so many more than I can't begin to name.  The entire Eastern faculty and student body for their pep rallies and chants.  Craig (I saved every e-mail you sent me!) and Clint. The list is endless and  my brain is quite finite.  To everyone know that I love you and thank you for everything you did for me and my family.  I am indeed humbled!

Stay cool,
Chemo - no no - just    Bob

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