Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hunkered down at home

Cheers all!

The days are now being marked by how many naps I get.  Physically I'm in great shape - I simply have no energy.  Docs say it'll come with time.  In the meantime I treasure my happy nappy!

Rarely am I at a lost for words (as a teacher I've always got something to say!)  but the events of last Thanksgiving stunned me into utter silence and then a torrent of tears.  Over at Luke's house, for Thanksgiving Dinner, led by Mike Raque, Becky's brother, in a fit of love bordering on insanity, the male population in attendance decided to make a trek into the garage, and with hairdresser Katie in tow, all shaved their heads in support of Chemo Bob!  Mike Raque, George Anderson, Sam Anderson, Dillon Rodriquez, Luke Haire, Tim Raque, William Pregliasco, Don Stearns.  I haven't been so touched since my children were born.  I'm still speechless.  I'm awed at the display of support and love - yet I'm befuddled at the insanity!  I don't know whether to say "Thank you, I love you." or "What did you do you crazy bastards!"  I guess I'll just combine the two.  "I love you crazy bastards!!"  Let's just make this a one time thing. No tradition here!

And keeping up with the spirit  of giving, I woke up one morning and walked into the kitchen, when I noticed an unusual sight on my back porch!  It seems that a certain Italian Irish elf named Tom Keenan just couldn't stand that I'd go through Christmas without a real tree. (Docs put a kabash on a real tree indoors this year.)
So he and his beautiful wife Tammy went out one night, bought a tree, bought a tree stand, bought multiple strands of lights, bought a UK Santa's hat topper, snuck onto my back porch while I was sleeping and set the whole thing up, lights and all!!!   Imagine my surprise the next morning.  And another torrent of tears followed.

Just rereading what I just wrote created another torrent of tears.  Blame it on the Chemo.

I go back in next Wednesday for treatment number 4 of 6. (I should be home for Christmas, if nothing unusual comes up.)  That means I'm over 1\2 way done!  I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet but I know it's there and I know I'm getting closer.

I can't say enough about the people that surround me.  And how much I love them.  You all know.  And I truly am speechless.  Let's let the silence speak volumes.  Merry Christmas to all.  We'll talk soon.  Chemo Bob.


  1. so good to hear. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Feliz Navidad

  2. Eastern misses you Mr. Haire!!! Keep fighting and have a Merry Christmas!! Jaime Fitch
